Jennifer Donnelson (James Cook University) - Together with Jenni we have recieved funding from the Seaworld Foundation to look at the effects of habitat quality on pair-bonding in Rabbit fish.
Ondi Crino (Flinders University) - With Ondi we are working toward elucidating some of the physiological mechanisms underlying the behaviours we look at in our fish. We are also interested in the role that mitochondria play in determining animal responses to environmental change.
Iliana Medina (University of Melbourne) - With Iliana we are looking at the evolution of aposematism. Specifically we've been looking at whether predators learn aposomatic signals of one prey life stage and generalise them across other life stages.
Kristal Cain (University of Auckland) - Along with Kristal we are interested in the links between Testosterone, sex, parental care and immunity. We are currently collecting data for a meta-analysis.
Maider Iglesias-Carrasco (Doñana Biological Station-CSIC, Spain) - Like Maider, we are interested in physiological and behavioural trade-offs play out in changing environments.
Susi Zajitschek (Liverpool John Moores University) - With Susi we have been looking at how maternal mating environments affect the fitness of future generations.
Michael Jennions (Australian National University)
Loeske Kruuk (Australian National University)
Nick Royle (University of Exeter)
Allen Moore (University of Georgia)
Iain Barber (University of Leicester)
Jenny Boughman (Michigan State University)
Genevieve Kozak (Tufts University)